The "Master of Time" cigars from Warped are sure to live up to their name. These Nicaraguan Maestro del Tiempo smokes have just been released and the initial reviews are good. These cigars are made from 100% Nicaraguan Criollo '98 and Corojo '99 tobacco with Jalapa Corojo '99 wrappers. Reviewers have reported a creamy cedar-like taste with sweet honey-like notes and hints of spices like nutmeg.The tobacco used in these new cigars all comes from farms under the Aganorsa umbrella. These farms all use carefully-controlled growing techniques that yield a special taste and superb quality. Maestro del Tiempo are available in 25-count boxes in two sizes, a lonsdale called "5205" and a Petite Gran Robusto called "5712". There's also a very limited edition release vitola called "6102R" available in a 100-count box.
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Shade Grown Jalapa Corojo ‘99
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaragua Corojo ’99 & Criollo ‘98
Origin: Nicaragua