Sometimes all it takes to turn a good cigar into an exceptional cigar is one small touch. In the case of Liga Privada Undercrown Sun Grown Cigars, that one small touch was the addition of a leaf of extensively aged Ligero from the border of Honduras. Combined with a blend of Nicaraguan premium fillers, this leaf of sun grown tobacco draws out the intensity of this full-bodied stick. A stalk-cut Connecticut River Valley binder and an Ecuadoran Sumatra wrapper complete this powerful cigar. Flavor isn't the only place that the Liga Privada Undercrown shines. It also has a truly stylish aesthetic. This cigar comes in a truly elegant wooden box that holds 25 sticks and is emblazoned with the magnificent gold and magenta lion crest of Drew Estate. A smaller version of the crest can be found on each stick as well. Overall, it creates an almost royal aesthetic that makes you feel like nobility when smoking one of these cigars. Available in 7 different sizes, ranging from a less than 4" Flying Pig to a massive 7" Corona Doble, you won't have difficulty finding the size that best fits your smoking preference. If you are looking for a luxury cigar to impress your friends or colleagues, the Liga Privada Undercrown is exactly the bold statement you want to make.
Strength: Medium to Full
Wrapper: Sun Grown
Binder: Connecticut Habano
Filler: Nicaraguan
Origin: Nicaragua