Tatuaje 10th Anniversary Capa Especial Bon Chasseur is a celebratory cigar crafted by Tatuaje Cigars to mark a decade of excellence in the industry. Released as part of the 10th-anniversary series, this cigar is a special edition that pays homage to Tatuaje's commitment to quality and innovation. Expect a harmonious combination of flavors, including notes of cedar, leather, and spice, with a well-balanced undertone of sweetness. The construction of the Bon Chasseur is impeccable, ensuring a smooth draw and even burn, characteristic of Tatuaje's commitment to craftsmanship. Using a Sumatra Ecuadorian wrapper with Nicarguan fillers and binder to create a masterpiece. This cigar stands as a testament to Tatuaje's legacy and dedication to producing exceptional cigars.
Strength: Mild to Medium
Wrapper: Sumatra Ecuadorian
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Origin: Nicaragua