Truly a cigar that bridges the gap between infused and traditional cigars, The Tabak Especial Dulce is another masterpiece from Drew Estate. The Tabak Especial Dulce is slowy infused with the finest Fair Trade Nicaraguan coffee that could best be described as enjoying a freshly brewed espresso. Jonathan Drew uses some of the finest tobaccos to create the Tabak Especial Dulce: A Connecticut wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and Nicaraguan Criollo Shade and Sun grown fillers. The Tabak Especial Dulce is a medium to full bodied cigar that can truly be enjoyed by any cigar smoker. Fire up the Tabak Especial Dulce! A cigar considered by some to be the missing link between infused and traditional cigars.
Strength: Mild to Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Origin: Nicaragua