If you're a fan of robust, full-bodied Nicaraguan cigars, you owe it to yourself to try the Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro cigar, named the #2 cigar of 2016 by Cigar Aficionado. It's not difficult to understand the excitement surrounding this cigar. After all, Rocky Patel is one of the hardest-working craftsmen in the cigar business.The Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro is produced in Nicaragua, using Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrappers with Nicaraguan Esteli filler and an eye-catching red and white band. Those who have tried this cigar report it having hints of nuts and bittersweet chocolate. Others mention apple cider and even sweet caramel notes.This affordable and complex cigar is also well-constructed and burns slowly and evenly.Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro cigars are available now in five different sizes--Belicoso, Gordo, Lancero/Panatela, Robusto and Toro. They come in five packs and sturdy, 20-count boxes.
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Origin: Nicaragua