Montecristo is one of the most well-known cigar brands around the world. They still continue to produce some of the best quality cigars around. This exclusive sampler includes 12 total cigars from 4 of Montecristo's top lines (Classic, Nicaragua, Platinum, and White). If that wasn't enough, it also includes a TUMI Nassau Slim Line Wallet. You get all of this for only $132.95 - Quantity is limited so order yours today!
The Montecristo + TUMI Wallet Gift Set Includes:
3 - Montecristo Classic Toro (6" x 52)
3 - Montecristo Nicaragua Toro (6" x 54)
3 - Montecristo Platinum Toro (6" x 50)
3 - Montecristo White Toro (6" x 54)
1 - TUMI Nassau Slim Line Wallet