The Macanudo line of cigars is known for its smoothness and consistency, while at the same time offering different tastes to please every palate. Macanudo Gold Label cigars use rare golden colored Connecticut Shade wrapper leaves to create a distinctive, new taste for premium cigar smokers. Handcrafted with wrapper leaves from the first and second primings of Macanudo's specially grown Connecticut Shade crop, Macanudo Gold Label cigars are blessed with a natural sweetness. The wrappers are elegantly thin, yet remarkably supple with fine veins. Their texture is especially smooth. "Capa Especial" is the Spanish term for this wrapper of uncommon taste which, when combined with filler and binder tobacco of complementary character, results in a cigar that lives up to the tradition of quality that is Macanudo.
*Tin of 5*
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Connecticut
Binder: Mexican San Andres
Origin: Dominican Republic