Illusione cigars were a dream made into a reality by cigar retail veteran Dion Giolito. Dion had been working in cigar stores and eventually running his own cigar shop for about 15 years. Like a lot of cigar fanatics, he wanted to create his own cigar that was blended for his own personal taste. Dion made a great choice when he paired up with Paul Palmer of Casa Fernandez cigars to make Illusione cigars. Illusione cigars are made with 1st generation Corojo ’99 and Criollo ’98 tobacco grown in Nicaragua. Illusione cigars are a bold, medium to full bodied experience with a complex blend of flavors ranging from coffee, earth and leather. The taste is reminiscent of pre-Sandanista Nicaraguan cigars.
Strength: Medium to Full
Wrapper: Corojo Rosado
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Origin: Nicaragua