Introducing Guns & Gars, a brand of premium cigars crafted for cigar aficionados who appreciate cigars and hold dear to their 2nd Amendment rights. The Guns & Gars 2nd Amendment Cigar Collection is the perfect blend of luxury and patriotism, each cigar is made from the highest grade of tobaccos from Nicaragua. The Guns & Gars 2nd Amendment Maduro features a Habano Oscuro Gordo Maduro wrapper with a Nicaraguan binder and filler. The Guns & Gars 2nd Amendment Maduro is available in one size, a 6” x 60 and offers a rich and bold cigar with hints of dark chocolate and espresso. Whether you’re an experienced cigar smoker or new to the cigar world, pick up a Guns & Gars 2nd Amendment cigar to show your appreciation for fine premium cigars and your 2nd Amendment rights.
Medium to Full
Strength: 4
Wrapper: Habano Oscuro Maduro
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Origin: Nicaragua