Winston Churchill Cigars by Davidoff are the culmination of ideas from Randoff Churchill, the Great-Grandson of Sir Winston Churchill, who stated "A great cigar was Churchill’s favorite traveling companion and, whether he was being Statesman, Commander, or dinner party guest, he was rarely without one... he always had time for a cigar." These premium cigars are comprised of the "perfect blend" of tobaccos from all around the world, including the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Ecuador, binder from Mexico, with a gorgeously lavish Ecuadoran Sun Grown wrapper. Only the most skilled Torcedors within the Davidoff factory roll these fine cigars into their perfected construction. Winston Churchill Cigars are medium-bodied with a backdrop of cedar, and hints of crisp fresh pear with a perfectly balanced spice. Winston Churchill Cigars by Davidoff are intended for the refined palate and you'll be glad to revisit these often, so grab a few for your humidor and a few more for friends!
Strength: Medium to Full
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sungrown
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican
Origin: Dominican Republic