This year marks 10 years since the release of the very first Davidoff Black Band – Davidoff Nicaragua. To celebrate this milestone, Davidoff has released a limited-edition cigar for the occasion. The Davidoff Nicaragua 10th Anniversary cigar is comprised of an Ecuadorian wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder, and a mix of Nicaraguan fillers (Esteli Seco Cask Aged (Rum) / Esteli Semilla B Visus / Esteli Semilla A Ligero / Jalapa Visus / Condega Seco), all with a combination of 45 years of aging. They aged Esteli tobaccos in rum casks for added depth and flavor. The Davidoff Nicaragua 10th Anniversary is available in one size, a 6” x 56 Gran Toro, and is limited to only 3,300 12ct boxes in the U.S. When you light one up, you’ll experience the wonderful notes of oak, roasted nuts, and black coffee that this amazing cigar has to offer. THIS IS PEAK NICARAGUA!
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Ecuadorian
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan (Esteli Seco Cask Aged (Rum) / Esteli Semilla B Visus / Esteli Semilla A Ligero / Jalapa Visus / Condega Seco)
Origin: Nicaragua