Introducing the Corona Cigar Co. Barrio Blend! These premium handcrafted cigars pay homage to their rich cultural heritage where the word "barrio" means "neighborhood" in Spanish. Like a tight-knit community, cigars bring people together, creating bonds and memories like no other. A 6 1/2 x 56 Toro Gordo featuring a beautifully oily Habano wrapper with Nicaraguan filler and binder, Barrio Blend are constructed with care, ensuring a flawless and flavorful experience. Medium to full-bodied tobaccos offer a unique and complex flavor profile that is sure to satisfy even the most discerning connoisseur. Rich, earthy notes are accented by spices, cedar, and coffee, while displaying a creamy mouthfeel and subtle, nutty sweetness. The individual cigars are presented in rustic newspaper wrapping that is not only eye-catching, but helps promote aging and is a decades-old technique used to prevent deforming of the wrapper leaf after it is rolled. Try the new Barrio Blend today, you'll feel right at home!
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Habano
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Habano
Origin: Nicaragua