The Cohiba Red Dot Minature Cigarillos (Tin of 10) are complex, yet balanced smokes. Cohiba cigars combine an African Cameroon wrapper, Jember binder and Dominican fillers to offer a mild, rich tasting smoke without the harsh aftertaste. This is what makes Cohiba one of the most sought after brands.The name Cohiba is one of the most recognized names in the cigar industry. The problem is that Swedish Match's General Cigar Company and Cuba's Habanos S.A. both claim the right to the name Cohiba. This legal battle over who owns the name Cohiba in America is still being battled in the courts. Currently, Cohibas sold in the U.S. are made in the Dominican Republic by General Cigar Co.
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Cameroon
Binder: Indonesian
Filler: Dominican
Origin: Dominican Republic