Originally a Cuban brand from the mid 19th century, the Lord Byron cigars were created by two cousins who owned a humble cigar factory near Havana. The original Lord Byron cigars were a hit, and the brand enjoyed success for generations, eventually the grandson of one of the cousins, Ricardo Alfonzo, experienced severe financial hardships with the brand and was forced to sell. Roughly ninety years later, Ricardo Alfonzo’s great-grandson, Nelson Alfonso, resurrected the brand through his Selected Tobacco Company. The Byron 20th Century cigars are released in limited quantity after sitting in aging rooms for a full year. The Byron 20th Century features a dark Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, a disclosed binder and a filler blend of Peruvian, Dominican and an unknown component.
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Ecuadorian
Binder: Undisclosed
Filler: Undisclosed
Origin: Costa Rica