Debuting in 2016, the Saga Short Tales line is created by De Los Reyes Cigars. These cigars are unique in both presentation and smoking experience. The Short Tales Series are shipped in hollowed-out books that can be used as display boxes. Ten different lines have been planned to hit the market. Order the Saga Short Tales today and get FREE SHIPPING when you spend $125 or more at Corona Cigar Co.
Saga Solaz is a medium-bodied cigar that’s perfect to light up for any occasion. They feature a Dominican binder, a mix of Dominican fillers (Olor, Piloto Cubano, & Criollo ’98), and topped off with an Ecuadorian Claro wrapper. Upon lighting one up, you’ll taste the creamy and pepper profile that it has to offer. Order yours today and get FREE SHIPPING when you spend $125 or more!