My Father The Judge
The My Father cigar is the latest cigar by the international sensation that is Don Pepin Garcia. The My Father cigar uses a rare, sungrown Ecuadorian Habano-Rosado hybrid wrapper and a Nicaraguan binder and filler. The cigar starts out milder than most Pepin cigars, but the flavors from this cigar are much more complex than any other Pepin cigar. It honestly reminds me of a cross between the Don Pepin El Centurion and the Vegas Cubanas cigars. The flavors are silky and smooth and you’ll experience some notes of anise, cedar and cream. The finish is long and smooth with a slight spicy bite. The roll has heavy notes of spice and cedar. Even though Don Pepin manufactures the "My Father" it was actually blended by Jaime Garcia, Pepin’s son. With all the highly sought after cigars Don Pepin Garcia creates we know that Jaime Garcia will be able to carry on his father’s legacy one day.