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Montecristo Epic Craft Cured
With a name like Montecristo Epic Craft Cured Cigars, you would expect this brand to be something special, and you would be correct. Created by the famed Plasencia family, in cooperation with Altadis U.S.A., this cigar brand is a continuation of the Montecristo Epic line, a line first created in 2011. The newest cigar holds true to the excellence of its lineage.
However, it also breaks with tradition in two rather intriguing ways. First, the original Montecristo Epic was a Dominican cigar. This new Epic, however, is fully Nicaraguan, from the filler to binding, and everything in-between. The other way it breaks with tradition is how it is crafted. The fermentation process involved smaller pilones than those that are normally used, which allowed the flavors of the components to blend more harmoniously.
Given the result, this was clearly a good decision by the Plasencia family. These medium to full-bodied sticks have notes of chocolate, spice, and espresso mixed throughout the sweet tobacco. It is a decadent blend that will tickle the taste buds of even the most sophisticated pallet.
Cigar aficionados that are looking for something truly original will love the Montecristo Epic Craft Cured Cigar. It is a rare stick that feels more like it was grown organically as a cigar, rather than pieced together from separate components.