M.X.S. Cigars for Sale
Fans of the National Basketball Association (NBA) can turn to our site for the M.X.S. cigar line by Luciano Cigars by Luciano Meirelles. For these cigar products, former NBA stars Dominique Wilkins (Atlanta Hawks) and Tiago Splitter (San Antonio Spurs) came up with exclusive offerings. These are full-bodied cigars made with tobacco and wrappings selected by Wilkins and Splitter.
Wilkins decided on Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos for his creation. Splitter went with Peruvian and Nicaraguan tobaccos for a slightly different flavor profile. Depending on your M.X.S. selection, you'll end up with cigars featuring Mexican San Andrés or Ecuadorian Sumatra wrappers. Choose from 5- or 6.5-inch cigar lengths you can enjoy before, during or after the NBA season.
Corona Cigar Co. sells unique products from your favorite brands, so purchase from us today for M.X.S. cigars at phenomenal prices.