Charter Oak Shade
Charter Oak Shade Cigars for Sale
The Charter Oak Shade cigar is a medium-bodied smoke that Cigar Aficionado rated 93. It consists of tobaccos from the Connecticut River Valley, a Sumatra binder, a Connecticut Shade wrapper and filler tobaccos from Nicaragua. The cigar offers a delightful balance of strength and flavor and an even burn.
Foundation Cigar Company, under the leadership of cigar-maker Nicholas Melillo, got the name "Charter Oak" from the legendary white oak tree in Connecticut. The tree provided a place for Native Americans to grow tobacco and hold meetings.
You can purchase Charter Oak Shade cigars in 6" x 60, 6" x 52, and 4 ½" x 50 sizes. Charter Oak Shade prices depend on whether you're getting a single smoke or a box of 20.