Joya de Nicaragua Antano Connecticut
Joya de Nicaragua Antano Connecticut Cigars
Cigar flavors are widespread. If you're an enthusiast after something on the mild side, these Joya de Nicaragua Antano Connecticut sticks are worth lighting. Normally, people associate the Joya de Nicaragua brand with a full-body mouthfeel. The Antano Connecticut series takes a step in a different direction with products offering notes of leather, pepper and cedar wood — excellent for relaxation and casual smokers.
With Corona Cigar Co., you're free to purchase Antano Connecticut cigars individually or in 20-count sets. Pick from different styles, all available for phenomenal prices. Our experts help you keep these in stock for sharing!
Joya de Nicaragua Antano Connecticut cigars, just released in July of 2019, are available as singles and 20 count boxes. They come in five sizes - Belicoso (6" x 54), Corona Gorda (5 1/4" x 46), Robusto (5" x 52) and Toro (6" x 50).