Davidoff Year of the Snake
The Davidoff Year of the Snake 2025 cigar is part of Davidoff's annual Zodiac Series, celebrating the Chinese New Year with a unique blend each year. For the 2025 edition, this cigar features a rich and complex profile, blending tobaccos from various regions to create a harmonious and refined smoking experience. The blend includes a smooth Ecuadorian wrapper, a flavorful Dominican binder, and a mix of carefully aged Dominican filler tobaccos, providing notes of wood, spice, and a subtle sweetness.
The cigar is crafted with Davidoff's signature attention to detail, offering a medium to full-bodied strength. As with previous "Year of" releases, it is expected to be a limited edition, with each cigar marked by a distinct, elegant design that represents the Year of the Snake in the Chinese Zodiac. This release would appeal to both collectors and those looking for a sophisticated and memorable smoke. Pick up a box today and enjoy the new Davidoff Year of the Snake 2025! Production is limited to only 4,200 boxes total in the US.