Davidoff Escurio Mini Cigarillos (3 5/16 x 20)
MSRP: $16.00$15.20Out of stock
MSRP: $16.00$15.20
Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff Escurio Cigars for Sale
Looking for a cigar that steps outside the norm? You've come to the right place, as these Escurio cigars brought to life by Davidoff take you on a journey through Brazil with a robust medium-to-full mouthfeel. Corona Cigar Co. is excited to offer these unique sticks filled with captivating flavors.
No matter if you prefer licorice, leather or oak wood aromas, there's something for you at an incredible price in Davidoff's Escurio cigar line. These experiential cigars will have you wondering what's next as the flavors subtly shift from the initial light through the last puff. Pick up a box from our site to try something new today!