Davidoff Corona 20th Anniversary FSG

To celebrate our 20th anniversary of being in business Jeff Borysiewicz, Owner of Corona Cigar Company and Davidoff’s Master Blenders have created a uniquely tailored cigar, which includes filler tobacco of Mr. Borysiewicz’s own Florida Sun Grown Tobacco. This very special and unique cigar hand crafted by Davidoff that commemorates the 20th Anniversary of the Corona Cigar Company and their success in the cigar industry.

"We are very proud to be working with Davidoff and there is no way better to celebrate our 20 year milestone of becoming a leader in premium cigar retailing. Our unique and exclusive Florida tobacco farm has truly allowed our company to come full circle as a premium cigar retailer as well as the world's only grower of prized Florida cigar tobacco. We are excited to be able to share with fellow aficionados this unique Davidoff cigar that is blended with our 2014 crop of heirloom Florida Sumatra seed tobacco that was grown on our farm in Clermont, Florida," says Jeff Borysiewicz, president and founder of Corona Cigar Company.

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