
If you are ready to diversify your cigar profile, consider purchasing one of the cigars from the Cielo cigar line as a single or in a box. The Cielo cigar line includes rich medium-bodied cigars for a smoke full of flavor and a little bit of punch—not quite delicate, but not quite strong. The cigars from the Cielo line use a hearty blend of all Nicaraguan tobaccos for the binder and filler, which provide a distinct taste that is beloved by seasoned cigar smokers and novice smokers alike. The cigars are then wrapped with a beautiful Ecuadorian Sungrown wrapper, which is a light brown sugar color and has almost no visible veining—a truly aesthetic option that please more than just your taste buds. Produced in Esteli, Nicaragua at the Tabacelera Perdomo factory, the Cielo is a premium cigar at an incredibly affordable price, which is guaranteed to give you the best bang for your buck!

The Cielo cigar features tones of earth, leather, and coffee while maintaining a consistent and very dynamic flavor profile. To enhance its flavors, the Cielo cigar has tones of nutmeg, fruit, and spices for your enjoyment. If you have a passion for premium flavored, medium-bodied cigars with bargain basement pricing, the Cielo Apollo is just what you're looking for. It is perfect for seasoned cigar smokers who want an interesting taste experience, and it is perfect for novice cigar smokers who want to step up their cigar game and try something diverse.

Try a Cielo Eros, Poseidon, Apollo, Nemesis Torpedo, Hercules, or Zeus Torpedo to find traits that are fundamental to the Cielo brand, and even more fundamental to your cigar preferences. With its distinct flavor profile, you will never regret your decision to smoke a Cielo cigar!

Buy a cigar from us online, or purchase a box deal from Corona Cigar. We fully understand cigars, and the art form that is smoking and cigar consumption. We are cigar connoisseurs ourselves, which means we are the perfect destination for cigar lovers, casual smokers, or novice smokers looking for a great start. Contact us for more information about our cigars today, and shop through the hundreds upon hundreds of cigar options and quantities we offer. Buy a cigar as a sample, or buy a box of your favorite Cielo cigars. Our prices are only the fairest, and our selection is as broad as can be!

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