Weller by Cohiba
For the first time ever, Cohiba has created a cigar that was made specifically to be paired with a fine spirit. The Weller by Cohiba was developed in partnership with Weller Bourbon and compliments a glass of W.L. Weller 12-Year perfectly. These limited-edition and full-bodied cigars feature a Honduran Olancho Maduro wrapper, a Connecticut binder, and a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers. “The experience is rich and layered, imparting notes of cocoa, espresso and leather on the palate before cascading to a luxurious finish. While the depth and complexity of this cigar make it the ideal choice for pairing with your favorite spirit, Weller by Cohiba is equally as extraordinary when savored on its own.” said Sean Williams, Cohiba Brand Ambassador. Both the band and box feature branding elements from Cohiba and Weller Bourbon. Order a box today and set it aside along with a bottle of W.L. Weller 12-Year and save it for a special occasion. You’ll thank us later.