Cohiba Nicaraguan Gordo (6 x 60)
MSRP: $46.00 - $368.32$23.00 - $294.95MSRP: $46.00 - $368.32$23.00 - $294.95 -
Cohiba Nicaraguan Toro (5 1/2 x 54)
MSRP: $43.50 - $349.12$21.75 - $279.95MSRP: $43.50 - $349.12$21.75 - $279.95 -
Cohiba Nicaraguan Corona (5 22/25 x 50)
MSRP: $37.00 - $294.72$18.50 - $235.95MSRP: $37.00 - $294.72$18.50 - $235.95 -
Cohiba Nicaraguan En Crystal (5 x 50)
MSRP: $41.50 - $165.76$20.75 - $132.95MSRP: $41.50 - $165.76$20.75 - $132.95 -
Cohiba Nicaragua
Cohiba Nicaragua Cigars for Sale
Celebrate and relax in style with the Nicaragua from Cohiba. This is the brand's first cigar of solely Nicaraguan origins, using hand-selected leaves sourced directly from the soil of Estelí and Jalapa. These medium to full-bodied cigars offer notes of cocoa, coffee beans and cedar. The Colorado Oscuro wrapper adds a unique sweetness to tie everything together and provide an unforgettable smoke.
At Corona Cigar Co., we offer a wide selection of Cohiba Nicaragua cigars for sale at the finest prices. Our options are available in various sizes, including Gordo, Toro, Pequeno, Corona and Robusto.