Charter Oak Shade Especiales
Charter Oak Shade Especiales Cigars for Sale
The Charter Oak Shade Especiales cigars embody artistry and superiority, which is what the Foundation Cigar Company is about. Nicholas Melillo, the company's owner and master blender, crafted these smokes himself. They pay tribute to the invaluable knowledge his grandfather passed down to him.
The Charter Oak Shade Especiales smokes are available in Pegnataro and Pasquale variations. The Pegnataro is a medium-bodied smoke with Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos and a Connecticut Shade wrapper in golden brown. It has notes of cedar and almond and a slight sweetness.
The Pasquale is a full-bodied cigar featuring a dark Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper and binder and filler tobaccos from Nicaragua. It offers notes of earthiness and sweetness.
The Charter Oak Shade Especiales cigar provides a unique experience, whether you like a rich and dark cigar or a light and smooth one. The price of Charter Oak Shade Especiales varies based on cigar size and if you want a box or a single item.