The King Is Dead
Celebrate your independent spirit when you experience the satisfaction of The King is Dead Cigars. Produced for the Caldwell Collection, these rich, medium-bodied cigars are meant for the cigar aficionado who follows their own rules. Featuring notes of coffee, spice and chocolate along with a hint of earth and wood, these amazing cigars are handcrafted with a Negrito wrapper that provides a pleasant, savory taste with a dark, luxurious look. The King is Dead Cigars initially deliver a mild milk chocolate taste that soon gives way to bolder coffee and spice flavors. The cigars also provide a consistent nutty sweetness throughout the experience while delivering a consistent and even burn.
The King is Dead Cigars are made of rare Corojo and Negrito binders and fillers from the Dominican Republic that delivers a complex balance of blends quite successfully. The cigars are well-crafted to provide a smooth and longer-lasting experience with small-batch releases. When you're ready for a unique and exciting cigar, try the King is Dead Cigars from the Caldwell Collection.