Eastern Standard
Enjoy the flavors of an authentic hand-rolled cigar with well-aged tobaccos when you try Eastern Standard Cigars by Caldwell. These well crafted cigars exude a mixture of flavors that include cocoa, leather and spice while finishing off with a sweet creamy taste. These Eastern Standard Cigars use a Dominican Habano binder with Corojo Ligero and Dominican Criollo long fillers that give the cigars its mild to medium-bodied experience while the subtle hints of pepper and spice add to the overall enjoyment of these delightful cigars by Caldwell.
Hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic, the Eastern Standard Cigars are Robert Caldwell's declaration of his return to the cigar industry. These premium cigars include rare tobaccos like Nicaragua Habano that add more body to the overall flavor and are wrapped in an amazing Dark Connecticut hybrid leaf from a combination of Brazilian Mata Fina and Connecticut Shade wrapper leaves, giving the Eastern Standard Cigars by Caldwell their incredible, tantalizing taste.