Avo Syncro Toro (6 x 54)
MSRP: $49.60 - $248.00$12.50 - $223.95MSRP: $49.60 - $248.00$12.50 - $223.95 -
Avo Syncro Nicaragua
Introducing Avo’s newest line of premier box-pressed cigars, the Avo Syncro Nicaragua. A blend that presents a synchronized fusion of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos to give you the best of both worlds. It is accentuated by a luxuriously dark Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, Dominican binder and fillers from the most fertile grounds of the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Peru. A diverse flavor profile is sweet and spicy with an earthy backdrop all in perfect sync like a fine musical composition... which was the inspiration for this thrilling new cigar. This is the perfect medium to full-bodied smoke for relaxing moments and great times in the spirit of synchronicity - everything coming together to perfection!