Named for the Caribbean tobacco-growing regions in the Dominican Republic, the Avo Syncro Caribe is a journey of flavor like no other cigar you’ve had before. The Caribe features a perfect synchronization of tobaccos from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Ecuador. This blend represents a naturally harmonious experience that takes you to the land where the palms sway back and forth to the breeze of the sea. Avo uses a process called “Natural Distribution”, which goes way back to the company’s roots in the Dominican Republic. Natural Distribution is what happens during the blending process when they use perfectly matched proportions of the tobacco from any given plant. The result is a medium to full-bodied cigar full of tropical flavors that will make you feel like you’re relaxing on the beach in paradise. Get ready to have your palate awakened by the delicious flavors from the Caribbean that you won’t want to end.
Wrapper: Dominican
Binder: Ecuadorian
Filler: Dominican & Nicaraguan
Origin: Dominican Republic