Cigar Samplers from Corona Cigar
Posted by Corona Cigar Co. on Jun 18 2020
Cigar Samplers from Corona Cigar
Always learning
Getting into cigars means you are at one of two points in your experience. Either you are just starting out and learning about the different varieties, complexity of flavors, and just dipping your toe into the pool of what quality cigars have to offer, or you have settled on one particular brand, shape, and region and have settled with only buying boxes of that particular kind.
Any number of factors can impact flavor. From the consistency of hand-rolled or box-pressed Parejo cigars to the complexity and variety of shape the hand-crafted Figurado type has to offer, the options are limitless. The combination of the multitude of wrapper, binder, and fillers which are each impacted by region, curing/aging, and even seasonal changes over the years, means that cigars have the potential to offer unlimited variety. Let's be honest, you could spend an entire lifetime smoking cigars and only just scratch the surface.
A work in progress
We should always look at cigars as a work in progress. This is why cigar samplers are a great way to get more out of the cigar experience throughout the years. For novices, a sampler can give you an affordable way to introduce yourself to new types, regions, and strengths of tobacco without the commitment of paying retail prices for a stick you might not like. There's a good chance you will find at least one cigar in a sampler you are going to love.
For the long-term aficionado, samplers are a great way of finding out what is being done now, or a way to build upon your collection and fill that humidor up with just about any kind of stick to suit your mood. You might challenge your palate and learn something new, broadening your experience from a set box of tried and true cigars that frankly might have you in a rut.
Discover more
Cigars give us an experience like no other, with the ability to participate in a tradition that has been enjoyed by a cross section of the world, from humble farmers to Prime Ministers and heads of state for generations. Cigar Samplers give you a chance to learn more about your own tastes, as well as discovering something you might have never known existed otherwise.
Contact us to learn about available samplers today. Our inventory is larger than that of your local smoke shop, and there's a good chance our selection is fresher, less expensive, and a lot more varied than anything you'll find in a brick and mortar storefront.